Permutation And Combination


COMBINATION  :   When  we have to choose a certain number of  objects from a given set of  objects in such a way that the order of  selection is not important, the selection is known as a combination. Consider the following example…

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Tags: example, tutorial, fundamental, math, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, sutra, classes, theorem, sutr, class, theorems, Examples, Combination, education, definition, SUMS, online, definitions,
Circular Permutation

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Circular Permutation  :   The total number of  circular permutations of  n distinct objects taken all at a time   = 

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Tags: sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, sutra, classes, theorem, sutr, class, theorems, Examples, Permutation, education, definition, SUMS, online, definitions, example, Circular, tutorial, fundamental, math, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base,

PERMUTATIONS  :   In  the above example, 2 objects were selected from 3 objects in such a way that the order of  the arrangements is important.

Now, if there were  n = 10 objects and  r  = 3 objects were to be selected, then we …

Posted in: Permutations,
Tags: Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, sutra, classes, theorem, sutr, class, theorems, Examples, education, definition, SUMS, Permutations, online, definitions, example, tutorial, fundamental, math, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla,
Definition of  Fundamental principal of  counting

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Definition of  Fundamental principal of  counting  :   If one operation can be performed in m ways and if corresponding to each of  the m…

Posted in: Definition of  Fundamental principal of  counting,
Tags: class, theorems, SUMS, Counting, education, definition, example, principal, online, definitions, math, tutorial, fundamental, of, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, sutra, classes, theorem, Examples, sutr,
Fundamental principal of  counting

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Fundamental principal of  counting  :   Let us consider the following situation. A man has two shirts and three trousers.

S1  S

Posted in: Fundamental principal of  counting,
Tags: of, fundamental, Counting, principal,
Permutation And Combination

Factorials  :   Permutation and Combination is a topic which requires use of  the concept of  factorials. A factorial is the number obtained by multiplying all the positive integers less than or equal to a given positive integer. T…

Posted in: Permutation And Combination,
Tags: proof, sutra, classes, theorem, Examples, sutr, class, theorems, SUMS, education, definition, example, Permutation, online, definitions, math, Combination, tutorial, fundamental, and, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta,